November 2, 2009


Baby Grace is 4 weeks and 5 days old today! She, Daddy and Mommy are all doing great, and we are learning something new about each other every single day. Mostly, Mommy and Daddy realize a little more just how beautiful our little girl is and how much we love her. Grace is also learning many new things about herself. She now lifts her head quite well for short times, she loves to look around at her surroundings and track moving objects, and she is beginning to smile when smiled at! Grace is also starting to graduate from grunts to coos and she's becoming slightly more coordinated (enough to get her fist to her mouth when needed). And, when I weighed her today, she was 10lbs, 8oz...almost a 3 lb gain! Grace has now graduated to some of her 3 month clothes and she's entirely done with newborn diapers. Unfortunately, our pretty little girl is also losing her hair (so much so that Dad's been giving her a comb-over for the last few days), and she has acid reflux and a very sensitive tummy. So poor Grace has had some pretty fussy days as I try to figure out what foods to eliminate from my diet to make her feel better.

Although tons has been happening, and many wonderful friends, grandparents and uncles have been keeping us company and getting to know Grace, I have not included many photos this time. The format of this blog isn't really set up for the hundreds of photos I'd like to share, so instead I've included a link HERE to a website made up only of photo albums. Please feel free to browse and download anything you like! In case you need it in the future, the actual web address is... Enjoy!!

October 4, 2009



BORN: September 30, 2009 at 7:10AM
WEIGHT: 7lbs, 9oz
LENGTH: 20.5in

We are thrilled to welcome our little girl into the world and happy to have all of her friends and family come to meet her. I wish it hadn't taken me an entire week to update the blog, but parenthood has been a blur so far and I'm learning to balance family, pleasure and taking care of myself. If you'd care to read on about the labor and birth, please do so. Otherwise just enjoy the photos.


On Monday, September 28th around 8pm I began to have contractions that were a little stronger and a little more consistent than anything I'd previously experienced. Rich and I went on (yet another) long walk and enjoyed dinner and a TV movie together as I tried not to get excited about timing the contractions. We went to bed around 10:30 but sleep was not in the picture for me, as the contractions were just strong enough to keep me from getting any shut eye. Instead, I did a little cleaning and found another movie. I fell asleep for a few hours on the couch near morning, after I'd discovered a more comfortable position. Rich woke up at his usual time and we decided to go for a walk at 6:45am. Afterward, we both contacted coworkers to make arrangements for our absence, since it looked like this might be 'the day'. Rich was supposed to be on call in obstetrics and had several other residents lined up to take parts of his shift, but after several hours of waiting it out and taking another walk, we decided I wasn't progressing fast enough for him to remain at home. My mom drove over to stay with me at noon and Rich went into work for a few hours to relieve his relief. With the hospital bag in the car and my mom around for support and a few last-minute cleaning duties, we stayed at the house for a few more hours. Then just before 3pm I decided I should go to the hospital so that I would still be in good enough shape on arrival to sign myself in, find my husband, and go through triage. The contractions were now 4-5minutes apart for about 60 seconds. Text book.

Everything at the hospital went smoothly and after an hour and a half the three of us (mom, me, and Rich) had settled into my room. An initial exam showed I was 80% effaced, 3cm dilated, and at -2 station. Decent progress but nothing to indicate a short stay. In the room I continued to talk for a little while, but before long the contractions picked up and I was in full concentration mode. I laid in bed, managed to walk the corridor once, and sat on the birthing ball for some time. Rich began his role as coach by getting me small snacks and water and supporting me physically and verbally as I relaxed through each difficult contraction. My mom stuck around for a while, but soon allowed Rich and I to labor undisturbed. Beginning at about 8pm my contractions were coming every 1.5 to 3 minutes and lasting at least 60 seconds, often double-peaking. Because of their intensity I wondered several times if I was in 'transition', the period of very fast, hard labor that quickly moves the baby and my body to 2nd stage when pushing begins. As it turned out, I was no where near pushing and I began to doubt how much longer I could keep up this hard work. The nurses continued to examine my progress every few hours, but little changed. My doctor also came to see us sometime late in the night and she, Rich and I decided to have my water manually broken so that the baby could descend a little, perhaps speeding up the process. Without this cushy bag of water, however, my contractions would feel even more intense. I labored this way for several more hours. Near 3am I accepted a small, one-time dose of pain medication in hopes that it would allow me to sleep a little, so that I would retain enough energy for pushing later on. The catnap was a huge help and we chose to have the meds early enough that they would be out of my system and baby's by the time he or she was born. Near 5am the pain meds felt long gone and I was beginning to get the urge to push, but remained only 6 or 7cm dilated...not close enough. I continued laboring until the doctor showed up at 6 to move me around to a new position that might help me finish dilating. The urge to push felt unbearable and finally, just after 6:30am and at 9.5cm dilated, I was given permission to push.

The end was near! I said several prayers asking for this last burst of strength, because I knew I could not push long before running completely out of energy (I had been laboring for close to 36 hours with about 2.5 hours of sleep). My mom returned to help Rich hold my legs , and Rich and the doctor guided me through pushing, each time amazed at the baby's progress toward the outside world. I knew we could finish soon if I kept my cool... We were so close! Then finally, at 7:10am on September 30th, Grace Catherine was born. She weighed 7lbs, 9oz and measured 20.5 inches long. She came into the world shouting loudly with her eyes wide open and her arms outstretched. Both Rich and I instinctively called her 'Bright Eyes' during those first few moments together. She was beautiful! When the doctor caught her she announced Grace's gender and then handed her to me to hold while Rich cut the umbilical cord. For the next hour our new family posed for photos and cuddled together. I also acquired a few battled wounds during delivery so I patiently waited through the stitching up process and Grace got her first meal and a quick scrub down. In due time our room was flooded with grandparents and uncles, as well as the occasional resident friends from the hospital. Grace was quite an appropriately spoiled little girl.

Our family stayed in the hospital the full standard 48 hours after the birth and I really appreciated being taken care of for a time, before embarking on parenthood in a house void of helpful nurses. By the time we left I'd received my flu shot and assistance treating those battle wounds, Grace all of her initial check-ups, a few more photos, and lots of love. We want to thank everyone, near and far, for your love, support, prayers, phone calls and texts, visits, food, and baby gifts. Our hearts and our home are overwhelmed with joy from it all. Thank you also for the respect and patience you've shown our new family as we try to catch up on sleep and navigate caring for our infant. The extra 'space' has also been much needed at times. We look forward to spending more time with you all as the days go on. God bless.

(UPDATE: Grace's first doctor's appointment was on Monday. She has gained 5oz since birth and was given a clear bill of health by the doctor. She is unfortunately battling some diaper rash and a bit of reflux, but we're slowly getting the hang of her needs and her signals. And, to her parents' delight, she spent most of last night sleeping and allowed Mom some catch-up)

September 28, 2009


I thought it might be fun to showcase a couple of photos of Mommy and Daddy when we were babies. Can you guess which adorable baby is which in each of our photos? (-: Or maybe you can use your imaginations to guess what Baby Z will look like at his or her first photo shoot.

September 23, 2009


I had my 40 week OB visit today. I have put on 35 pounds throughout the entire ordeal and after lots of poking, my doctor estimated I have about a 7 1/2 pound little bundle of joy just waiting to come out. However... virtually nothing (measurable) has changed since last week. The baby still has quite a bit of dropping to do, and I remain only 1cm dilated. The doctor prescribed more walking, continuing my happy disposition, and another appointment in 6 days. If nothing exciting has happened by then, she'll schedule an ultrasound and a non-stress test for the 7th day past 'due' to ensure that the baby is handling the extra time okay. Hopefully the tests will confirm that we can continue to wait on the baby and my body to sync up until they determine the new due date on their own time, instead of having to turn to medicinal induction. Above all, though, we will do what we believe is healthiest for the baby based on the situation.

As for now, we are continuing to wait... though I'll admit I'm a bit of a cheater when it comes to patience and waiting. For example, I've been cycling through these two conflicting prayers to God. The first one goes, "Dear Lord, please continue to keep our baby healthy, and please bring him/her into this world safely and in Your time and by Your hand, without the need for human intervention". The second sounds more like, "Dear Lord, PLEASE bring this baby NOW, no matter what condition he/she is in!" I'm thinking it's a good thing we have an omnipotent, all-knowing God... I don't know what other type of God I'd be willing to trust in de-coding all my prayers! Either way, this lesson is patience is probably a great precursor to parenthood. (-:

In other news, today Grandma Amy came over for dinner and a sleep-over while Rich is on-call in case I need anything. We had a great girls' night together, but now I'm gearing up for work in the morning in case nothing exciting happens. I also called Grandpa Dean and Uncle Tim today to let them know that the baby waited on them while they've been out of town, so it looks like most everyone should be around for the big birth-day. And lastly, I'm finally feeling pretty confident that my little house is in order, so I'll have no reason to stress about unfinished projects when we leave for the hospital or about motherly guests staying in a messy home when we return.

Welp; thanks for your willingness to read a bit of a 'boring' update... I kind of needed to get the non-news off my chest. (-: We'll do our best to keep everyone posted via texts or calls when the real news hits. Goodnight.

Just a little reminder about who we're waiting on... (-:

September 19, 2009

PSALM 37:7

What a fast summer it's been! I've been dying to update the blog and post a bunch of baby preparation photos for the last few weeks, but I was held up by the temporary loss of my camera. Thankfully the camera is found (who would have thought it would be buried in my hospital bag... silly me!) Since most of you have been calling or texting about updates lately you already know how everything's going, so I'll keep the wording to this blog short(er) and focus mainly on supplying our pictures.

Our baby is due in... FOUR DAYS!!... and I am becoming very impatient about meeting him or her. At the last OB visit the doctor proclaimed us quite healthy once again and told us everything's coming along normally. I was 1cm dilated, 50% effaced (thinned out), and the baby was nestled down at a -2 station. There's probably not much chance of me delivering any earlier than expected, but my Braxton Hick's contractions (warm-up or fake contractions) have been coming more frequently and getting me all excited throughout the days and nights. It's now just a BIG waiting game!

Throughout our last few weeks of waiting Rich and I have managed to keep very busy. Rich is in the middle of his OB rotation and he's on-call (working 24hour shifts) about every 3 days. It's been a very draining schedule for him, but he's handling it quite well. He's been sleeping a lot a home and he's had a great time getting to know the charge nurses at work (who are all very excited about our upcoming delivery). Meanwhile, I too have been working, in my new position as the Mental Health Therapist for a nearby rural school district. I see kids in grades K through 12 and I work about 15 hours a week. It's been absolutely great! On the weekends we've managed to fit in fun time with some of the other residents and local friends, a pre-birthday celebration with our Bradley Class, a visit from a great college friend, 2 beautiful weddings in or near Wisconsin, and I've been blessed by family and friends with 2 baby showers. And to top it all off, Rich, Grandma Tam, Uncle Jason, Aunty 'Mandy and I all teamed up one weekend to pull the baby's room together. Uncle Jason spent hours measuring off stripes for the walls while the rest of us followed with green paint. Amanda and I then created an 'Under the Sea' mural to finish it all off. It's been a whirl-wind!

Thank you all for your patience with the 'Non-Blog' as of late, since I haven't kept it updated. We hope you enjoyed the photos... and we can't wait to share pictures of the BABY when he or she finally arrives. You will all receive a phone call when we head to the hospital and/or when we have a new family member to announce. Thank you for all your prayers and thoughts during this time.